GeorgiaFurs MiniCon Announcement

:gafurs: GeorgiaFurs MiniCon 2024

We’re official now! On October 19th-20th, we’ll be hosting a 2-day “mini con” at the FWAffice. And you read that correctly, it’s a 2-day event this time around, so make sure to mark your calendars!

In the previous years, we wanted to provide enough experience – for both attendees AND vendors – to have that “mini con” experience and enjoy each other. However, the sizing of our community centre makes it difficult to cater to EVERYONE, with so much movement. So, we’re splitting it: one day will be for events and activities, the other is strictly for vendors.

:gafurs: Schedule

October 19th: Activities, Games, and Events
October 20th: Vendor Hall, Flea market, Lite Events, Raffling!

:gafurs: Future Plans

So where do we stand right now? Well, transparently, we’re about to write out the activities we want to do for those days. Thankfully, we’ve got some ideas already to differ from previous MiniCons! We’re also going to be looking for those with panel ideas. Ideally, we’re looking for something that can bring the everyone together in either craft or discussion, whilst still having other things going on. We’ll be creating a form for that soon! If you’re interested: start thinking of what you want to do and get ready to submit your ideas!

For our Artists and Fursuit Makers, however, we’re about to open up applications today for those who wish to vend at the event. We’ll be posting those in their respective areas in both our Discord and Telegram chats. If you’re interested in applying, keep an eye out for the applications! In previous years, we’ve been only able to do a few tables. Since we have the WHOLE space dedicated to you and the Flea Market this year, we have the opportunity to have more tables. Just be sure to read through the application and send it our way! We have…a LOT of work to do.

The team is excited that, over the last year, we’ve found the energy AND bandwidth to be able to start working on this a lot earlier than previous years. Our GeorgiaFurs members deserve the best community, and our team is working hard to provide the opportunity. We couldn’t have done it without the amazing GeorgiaFurs Mods, GeorgiaFurs Staff, and other Volunteers that have all helped us throughout the years. Of course, we WILL need help for MiniCon prep and management. If you’re interested in helping, we’ll be releasing more details on the opportunity in the near future! However, the GeorgiaFurs Team just wanted to say thank you to everyone for being just AWESOME and building this community as your own! We have these events because of all of our lovely community members, SO THANK YOU!