GeorgiaFurs Events – Special Edition

As always, the RSVPs and form details for private events will only be displayed in our chats. If you’d like to RSVP for those, please consider joining our chatrooms.

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Be aware: not all events posted are OFFICIAL GeorgiaFurs events. Some are events that are hosted by members that are made public. As such, we are NOT responsible for the happenings at these personal events!

:gafurs: Marietta the Gathering

When: Saturday, March 1st, 10AM – 8PM
Where: Historic Marietta Square
Host: The City of Marietta

Brought to us by the City of Marietta, Marietta the Gathering is an amazing festival catered to all things nerdy and artistic. This would be a great place to bring out your cosplays and fursuits for a fun day out where tons of people will love to see them!

There are several big attractions at this festival, all of which will be a great time in their own way:

  • Guild Show (10AM – 8PM): This marketplace is very similar to a dealer’s den that you’d expect at cons, except with a lot of stuff from outside just the furry fandom! Be sure to stop by and take a look at all the super talented vendors and their stocks!
  • Tournament Alley (10AM – 7PM): Sponsored by MomoCon, this area of the festival is entirely based on having fun with tabletop games, board games, and video games. This is a great place to relax in the shade and enjoy some time with friends!
  • Main Stage Entertainment (5PM – 8PM): Starting off at 5PM, there’ll be an opening performance by the band Hyperspace, before the headlining act is put on by Raspberry Pie at 7PM!
  • Cosplay Contest (1PM): At this event, you’ll get a chance to show off your amazing cosplays and fursuits! If you’re interested in strutting your stuff on stage, this is definitely the event for you~
  • Additional Activities: Throughout the day, there will be a large variety of panels, improve shows, geek trivia games, and even axe throwing!

Even more exciting, this event is free-to-enter for all! If you’re looking for a fun way to spend your day next Saturday without having to break the bank, you should definitely make your way over to Marietta for this awesome festival.

For more information, be sure to visit the City of Marietta Website.

:gafurs: Ravefurrest ATL

When: Saturday, March 1st – 2nd, 10PM – 4AM
Host: Ravefurrest

Brought to Atlanta by Ravefurrest, they’ll be hosting a massive 18+ rave in a venue at Underground Atlanta! It’s going to be an amazing time for those of us who love a good rave, so be sure to drop by if that’s your type of entertainment~

As for parking, there is both on-site and nearby parking, which ranges from $5 – $20. From experience, I recommend trying to park as close to the event as you can, as you will feel much better walking back to your car in the late night/early morning. Once you get to the door, admission will be $25 at the door, or you can save some money and only pay $20 online, by purchasing them in advance through ADV!

As for what you can expect at the rave, the set will feature:

  • Mailpup
  • Gorelizard
  • Demifiend
  • Kitten House
  • Cripsy
  • Pseudosodomyyy
  • No Eyes